Post by D***@ndersnat.chAnybody here? This being a Utah-based group, I thought I'd ask if
anyone is having the same problems I'm having with the ballyhooed
conversion to digital TV. I'm only about five miles from the towers of
most of the SLC stations, but all my box will pick up is Channel 13.
Others I know are having similar problems, able to pick up only some
channels, and not others.
I smell a gigantic debacle come next year. Anyone else?
I hear ya...& I live in Albuquerque!
I used to live in SLC, tho, & it probably depends on which direction
that 5 miles is. Like, are you too close to the mountain & live in
a signal "ground shadow"?
I have a direct view of the antenna farm on the mountain above Abq & I
"mostly" get good reception using rabbit ears. Wind & clouds make a
difference in reception, tho sometimes changing the angle (rotational
&/or width) of the rabbit ears helps.
When I first hooked up rabbit ears to my combo dvd/vcr then to my
HDTV, I got really poor results. I tried a cheap signal splitter -
coax from the antenna in on one side, 2 coax out the other side direct
to dvd/vcr & HDTV, & that helped a lot.
I get slightly poorer reception in our kitchen which is a wall farther
than the one in the front room.
A neighbor close to me put up a roof antenna & gets really good
reception pretty much all the time. I'd do the same, only I don't
have an attic or crawlspace for antenna leads to all my tvs.
I'm in the process of tinkertoy'ing a MythTV together with a Kworld
HDTV card in it. If I can find a spot in my house with better
reception, I may use that as my primary channel feed & build mini-itx
Myth clients for under the tvs.
Yes, it's going to be really interesting if/when analog tv is really
turned off & lots of people satisfied with marginal analog reception
can't get any tv at all. Will there be a rush to cable/dish, or will
people learn to read & listen to AM radio again...:-)
<> Robert Geer & Donna Tomky | |||| We sure |||| <>
<> *** | == == find it == == <>
<> *** | == == enchanting == == <>
<> Albuquerque, NM USA | |||| here! |||| <>