Post by GMANPost by bgeerI'm getting email from my wife in Beijing where she is on a People To
People mission. Quite possibly she's using her own laptop in her
hotel, or maybe a she's developed a taste for latte (or maybe tea? :-)
Man i bet she's eating some good food!!!!
Well, sorta...there is 43 in her group of diabetes educators. It is a
very professional exchange, & they are being treated very nicely by
their hosts. That said:
So far it sounds like many of their meals are the traditional large
lazy susan with 10-12 different dishes that all share. A couple of
her comments:
"lots of food, some good and not so good."
"I was shamed into eating a fried scorpian...yuck!"
She doesn't normally object to a wide variety of food, so I'm assuming
the "not so good" stuff is traditional Chinese fare that is very
foreign to our Anglo tongues.
On the other hand, she has enjoyed her tour of the Imperial Palace,
climbing the Great Wall, & a side trip to a jade jewelry factory
[$$$ :-].
While she could pop her mail to her laptop, she has used mostly
webmail. Plus we have talked via skype - packets of voice from
Albuquerque to Beijing in just a shade over a quarter second!
I remember that lo these many years ago wandering into a UofU CS lab
that had just gotten darpanet connected & playing with eliza...:-)
<> Robert Geer & Donna Tomky | |||| We sure |||| <>
<> *** | == == find it == == <>
<> *** | == == enchanting == == <>
<> Albuquerque, NM USA | |||| here! |||| <>